Discover the Freedom Trail in Boston

The Freedom Trail is a red path through downtown Boston, Massachusetts that leads to 16 significant historic sites. Walking the Freedom Trail in Boston is literally like stepping back into history. Dating back to a century before America's War for Independence a strong heritage and culture of freedom was entwined amongst Bostonian colonial settlements. So, along the trail, tourists can see individual collections of museums, meeting houses, churches, graveyards, parks, a ship and historical signs that tell a true tale about the American Revolution and beyond.

The Boston Freedom Trail begins at Boston Common and moves on to the New State House where, when completed in 1795 became the political center of Boston. Here there is an option for a free one hour tour. The next point of interest is the Park Street Church where William Lloyd Garrison gave the first inspiring anti-slavery speech. The Boston Freedom Trail moves on to where Samuel Adams and Paul Revere are buried at the Granary Burying Ground, and further on to the King's Chapel Burying Ground and the Ben Franklin statue which is also the site of the first public school in the area. From here the Boston Freedom Trail takes visitors to the Old Corner Bookstore where legends like Thoreau and Emerson gathered, and then on to the Old South Meeting House.

The Freedom Trail Boston also includes such sites as Faneuil Hall, the Old State House and the site of the Boston Massacre where a simple cobblestone circle marks the area where 5 colonists were murdered by British soldiers in 1770. Paul Revere House owned by Revere from 1770-1800, can also be found along the Freedom Trail Boston and is one of the favorites among visitors. Tours of the inside are available. When walking along the Freedom Trail Boston history seems to come alive again and visitors draw a unique perspective from seeing all the monuments and historical houses with their own eyes.

Café Atlantico by Cesaria Evora

Cesaria Evora, the native of the island of Cape Verde, is known worldwide as the countries’ foremost practitioner of the morna style. Café Atlantico, released in 1999, is a tribute to Evora’s hometown of Mindelo, which is a port on the Cape Verdean Island where sailors from Portugal, Argentina, Brazil and the Caribbean cross-pollinated the music of the island. In other words, this album is an ambitious musical experience where traditional cape-verdean and afro-cuban rhythms are successfully blended.

Evora's singing is a true gift, luckily very appreciated around the globe. Starting with the very first sounds, this album is all soul, all Cesaria. There are moments for dancing as well as moments for contemplating, moments done with a perfect taste. The musicians surrounding Cesaria on this CD are completely in tune with her and represent a great add to the overall success of the music. Atlantic Paradise is one of the best tracks, revealing the most her tone, mood and style.