Sharing your Honda story

If you are asking yourself what this is all about, let me give you some details. This year, Honda will release a series of mini documentaries which will allow their customers to highlight the personal experiences of Honda products either for fun or as a necessary part of their daily livelihood. So, even if you are using cars, ATVs, motorbikes or boats in the way they were supposed to be used, or you are using the Honda products in some unique ways, all you have to do is to share your own story and you might see it on TV.

A first example of such short films created by W+K for Channel 4 features the farmer Philippa who uses her Honda ATV to tend to the alpacas on her farm. A pioneer in her field, Philippa has been breeding beautiful and award-winning alpacas for some years. With acres of land to cover every day, Philippa’s Honda is an indispensable member of the farm. All short films will feature owners of Honda vehicles who are using them, let's say, in more unusual ways, not only for the regular shopping or just for a walk to the mall.

The mentioned campaign will be accompanied by Facebook and Twitter in all its phases, engaging users and linking to the online hub at where the documentaries, other films, interesting stories or articles will be also available. The 'Take Part' section shouldn't be missed, as there you can upload stories and photographs if you are a Honda owner. You can share also the unusual ways in which you use the Honda products. In the end, the favourite story will be turned into the final documentary which will be turned into idents for TV.

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