Tips for drawing attention to your blog

The title is the most important. The first contact of your readers with the posts published is the title. A catchy title, will definitely keep up the interest of the visitors to your blog. Another way to draw attention to your posts is to be rated high in social bookmarking sites as Digg or Delicious. Having in view that this rating is based on the votes of the users at these sites and that many of them will only see your title in a list when they vote, it results that the title is far more important than the rest of the post.
Good quality content. Once you have decided on a good title, it is very important that the text delivers the content promised by the title. There is nothing more annoying than reading a text which doesn’t have to do at all with his title. The promises delivered in the beginning, must be kept. On the other side, the text must be focused on the subject. In online, the reading is not in the same way as reading offline a book or a magazine. On blogs, people want to find, as faster as possible, what they are looking for. To this end, short paragraphs and sub-headers must be used.
Provide resources. An online reputation can be built also by providing easy to use resources. Here, how-to articles, step-by-step instructional articles or question-answer articles can be used. This is due mainly because these types of articles are very simple to understand.
Add useful applications to your blog. Providing a free and useful application to your readers is another way of drawing attention. The advantage of this technique is that once people come to your site for the respective application, it is a lot easier to get them to view your other content.
Run a competition. Many bloggers can thank to some smart competitions for their success. Competitions are particularly popular if there are no or few strings attached. Internet users are getting more wary about giving out their emails, so it can sometimes be worth sacrificing an information-gathering opportunity in the hopes of drawing repeat traffic.
Learn continuously about increasing your blog traffic. A lot of websites offer good and reliable SEO articles, which can be very helpful in the effort of building awareness for your blog.
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