10 Ways of Increasing your Blog Traffic

I have used a lot of methods to increase the number of visitors on my blog: starting with promotion on forums, blog directories or social sites, and ending with commenting on similar blogs. Below, I will present ten ways of increasing your blog traffic, which were used by me or by other bloggers. But, most important is to find what suits you best, because the excessive time spent in this respect can cause stress and loss of interest in blogging.
Good content. Keep in mind that the scope is not only to attract visitors, but to keep them coming back to your blog. And this can be done only if you have researched and well written posts with unique content. Your readers want to find clear posts with good grammar. In this respect, it is also recommended to use medium fonts, light backgrounds and paragraphs.
Comments left on other blogs. First rule is to leave only meaningful comments. On the other hand, it is recommended to post comments in blogs having at least page rank 2 or seems to have high potential to grow. If you want to get ranked, make sure that the links anchored with your name are do follow links.
RSS feed and email subscribing. Allow your visitors to subscribe both by feeds and email. To be more efficient in this respect, display the subscribing box prominently at the top of your site.
Link exchange. Not much to comment here. Be sure you select only valuable blogs to exchange your link with.
Blog directories submitting. Submit your blog only to the top blog directories. Don’t waist your time subscribing to small directories with no future. The most popular blog directories are: BlogCatalog, Blogged, Blogarama, BlogFlux, GlobeOfBlogs, BlogExplosion or Bloggapedia.
Key worded content. The key worded content must relate to your post title and your url. A good example are the “how to” articles, because people often do their searches starting with “how to”.
Join social sites. In order to promote your blog join social sites like MySpace, Facebook, Twitter, Technorati etc. Be carefully though, because this type of promoting is time consuming and requires a lot of work.
Linking in forum posts. If a post from your blog or the blog generally is relevant to the subject discussed, leave a link in the respective forum post. Also, you can leave a link to your site, in the signature, when posting something on forums.
Cross promote your similar blogs.
Add recent comments box. Lets you know to comment back when needed.
If there you have some other good methods to increase the number of visitors of a blog, don’t hesitate to share them.
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