Pay-Per-Post Sites from IZEA

PayPerPost. PayPerPost is the pioneer platform in the sponsored post industry. As a result, it has the largest network of blogging publishers and paying advertisers. Besides being the most popular paid blogging network, it always seems to have the most job opportunities available at any given time. PayPerPost pays bloggers anywhere from $5 to over $200 per completed and approved post.
SocialSpark. SocialSpark is IZEA’s premium social media marketing platform. The site provides robust targeting, detailed analytics and support for blogs as well as Twitter and Facebook status updates. SocialSpark is the only social media marketing platform that offers Pay-Per-Post (PPP), Cost-Per-Click (CPC) and Cost-Per-Action (CPA) options designed to fit virtually any marketing strategy. Additionally, SocialSpark is a social site where advertisers can handpick bloggers to help them promote their products and services through sponsored reviews or display advertising. If you're interested in making money through sponsored reviews, but you're concerned about losing your Google page rank because of the penalties Google often places on websites that participate in paid text link programs, then SocialSpark might be a good option for you.
InPostLinks. This service is a replacement for the original version of PayPerPost. The only difference is that the opportunities are link only, which means you don’t have to write reviews or to endorse anything. The only thing to be done is placing the link on a post. The way of integrating it into relevant content (but not with a review or endorsement) represents the fully responsibility of the blogger.
Sponzai. Sponzai is a sponsored guest posts service. It allows sponsors to write their own guest post including multimedia and links. Sponsors then select the blogs on which they want to distribute their pre-written post, and bloggers earn cash for posting this content. Basically instead of purchasing your review or you to write a blog post and include a keyword, you are now selling an entire “post” slot on your blog to an advertiser or sponsor.
SponsoredTweets. Sponsored Tweets is a Twitter advertising service that matches tweeters with advertisers. It allows marketers to hire both celebrity and long tail twitter users based on categories, keywords and other data. Twitter users tweet out messages on behalf of the advertiser in a transparent and honest way.
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