Making iced mocha

Having a hot coffee on a sunny hot day is actually not so tempting, but that is certainly no need to dismiss the pleasure of enjoying a taste of coffee. The solution is, of course, the iced coffee. Maybe you have tasted it in a coffee shop, but how about preparing it in your own home comfort. Below, I will highlight some great tips to prepare a refreshing iced mocha, which happens to be also my favorite drink.
The beauty of iced mocha is the fact that there are various ways to make it, every way revealing a different taste. Just by including whipped cream and chocolate garnish will certainly add an extra touch on your iced mocha.
For the specific recipe (which should be enough for 4 drinks) you will need some ice cubes, but these will be included at the end. First, you will have to make 4 double espressos and mix them with brown sugar until it melts. Then, take the espresso, add 3 spoons of chocolate sauce and mix it accurately. Put it away for a while and let it cool down, then put it in the refrigerator to make it ice cold.
Right after it became cold, add half a spoon of vanilla and two cups of cold milk. Add everything in a blender and mix it. Put the coffee into 4 tall glasses, then add half cup of crushed ice to each glass. Top with whipped cream and sprinkle a little bit of chocolate garnish. Add a straw and you're simply ready to enjoy it!
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